Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sick Baby!

Fiona had her first real illness this week. She has had a runny nose for a few weeks and it escalated over the weekend. Emily took her to the doctor and she had a double ear infection and double pink eye (although not that advanced yet). Fiona got augmentin to combat the pink eye, ear infection, and congestion. We are not sure where Fiona picked up the germs but daycare is the likely culprit.

On a happier note, Fiona weighed 13 # 10 oz which is over a 1lb increase in a month. Fiona loves her antibiotic so there is no problem getting her to take the medicine (the enticing flavor probably doesn't hurt) and she has had no side effects yet!

Fiona can sit unassisted but we have to stay close. She is soooooo close to rolling onto her stomach it is crazy. Not much longer now.

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