Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 19, 2012

puzzles, legos, and books

Fiona has been all about puzzles, books, and legos lately. Every morning she goes straight to her book box and grabs 5-6 books. She will put them on the floor, stack them, and then insist on carrying them all downstairs for daddy to read. She even knows the words to some of her favorites (Hide and Seek, Sheep in a Jeep, Dora the Explorer Opposites Spanish and English, If You Give a Pig a Party, Polar Bear Polar Bear What Do You Hear). At night she will play at her table with the puzzles (dumping and putting back together...sometimes she even brings me a piece and correctly identifies the animal) or she will bring the yoga mat and the Legos (which she calls puzzle) into the kitchen and play while I am making dinner. The other day daddy really wanted Fiona's help to put together a Lego set and Fiona really just wanted to play with the completed Lego creature. This post is because I am entering for a chance to win Fiona a combination of everything above: reading and Legos. Lego has put out new sets called Lego Duplo Read and Build which combine building and reading (2 of our favorites). I even think daddy could get behind this one :).