Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 18, 2010

2 Month Doctor's Appointment

Fiona did just fine at her doctor's appointment yesterday. She was
there for her two month old shots. There are several rounds of most
of the shots, but we've been told that this one was a tough one. But
Fiona did just fine. She did cry, more at the fact that her legs were
pinned down than actual pain. After the shots, she cried for a minute
or two, but it was actually less than I've heard when she's hungry.

I had to check off some answers to some developmental survey questions
as well. They were things like, "My baby makes sounds other than
crying," or "My baby can track objects in front of him/her," and "My
baby can hold his/her head up when laying on his/her stomach." I was
very proud to not only be able to check "True" for all of them, but to
know that we have photographic (and videographic!) evidence for all of

We go back in two months for another round of shots.

Her vitals:

Weight: 10 lbs 2 oz (25th - 50th percentile)
Length: 23 inches (75th percentile)
Head circumference: 15.25 in (50th percentile)

Last night, Emily managed to get a video of Fiona "playing" with a
toy. This is a bee that has bright colors whose wings make crinkly
noises. You can definitely see her looking at it and moving her hand
near it, so that's a big step.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Small video and photo set

We just posted some new stuff.

Video is here. Photos are here.

We go to the doctor tomorrow, so we should have some more information about Fiona's vital statistics tomorrow.

Oh, and she gets shots, but we're trying not to talk about that...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Photo Set

We just put up a new Flickr set. This one includes the Spider-man picture you've all been waiting on, plus a couple of our pets "helping" break in some of Fiona's equipment.

Fiona turned eight weeks old yesterday, she's growing so fast! We go to the doctor's office next week (I think) to get her two month shots. We're not looking forward to that.

New set is here.