Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 17, 2010

First Full Day at Home Update

Everyone is doing great on our first full day home from the hospital. Fiona slept well last night, waking every couple of hours to eat. Emily was the perfect mother, waking up before the alarm went off and patiently making sure Fiona had plenty to eat before she was allowed to fall asleep again.

We had our followup appointment with the pediatrician today. Normally, they wait three days on this appointment, but that would have been Sunday, and since the office is closed on Sunday, they had us come in Friday. But the doctor said she looked perfect (no surprise there!). Fiona has gained back some of her weight (back to 6 pounds, 14.5 ounces, up from 6 lbs 13 oz on Thursday).

There was some concern when Fiona was born that she would be a candidate for jaundice. That's because her blood type is A+ (which she got from Daddy), while Emily's is O+. The antigens in Emily's blood (the ones that fight off other proteins like A and B) can transfer to Fiona's blood in the last few days of pregnancy. What this would mean is that Fiona would produce more red blood cells then her body could get rid of. Thankfully, they tested her and she is doing fine.

One thing the doctor did suggest was going outside, as the sunlight stimulates the processing of these surplus red blood cells. Although we don't really need to do this, we might try it later just to get Fiona out and about. (Look for pictures!)

We go back to the doctor on Monday, just for a weight check to make sure she's doing okay. Over the weekend, we're expecting a visit or two from friends and family, so it will be a big couple of days.

Fiona has eaten well several times today and is just now sleeping.

Thanks again for all your love and support, we love all of you!

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