height: 29 50th percentile
weight: 17# 5.5oz 5th percentile
head: 17 3/4 50th percentile

New foods:
Organic Whole Milk
mild cheddar cheese***
parmesan cheese
Fiona LOVES her milk. She insists on half to a full cup at night and then is expecting it first thing when she wakes up. It feels like we have created a milk monster.
*** Maggie Mae and Fiona are now besties. Maggie Mae circles Fiona's highchair (while whining) impatiently waiting for food to be thrown to the ground.
New "tricks":
shaking head yes (nodding)
saying: tuka, tuka, tuka, tuka, tuka
touching mommy or daddy's lips and then touching own so that we will make
noises with her (not sure how to describe but video will be posted this weekend
to demonstrate)
walking with Daddy's help (towards the Mt Dew bottle---gotta have the correct
smiling if flashlight is shined on face like there is a camera
Fiona sits and stands like a pro now (she even squats). She is really close to standing on her own. She can do it for a few seconds here and there if she doesn't think too hard about it.
We have moved into size 3 diapers overnight and are waiting for the box of size 2's to finish before moving to size 3's all the time. Fiona is pretty much out of 9 month clothes. There are still some onesies that fit but the pants are a little small these days. Fiona is loving daycare. She gets excited when we walk to the front door and is fascinated with the kids when we get into her room. There is a biter in her room and she got bit on her toe during lunch the other day (which apparently did not go over well).
The cholestyramine paste seems to have helped the acid burns. We are hoping to try some foods again and see if we can proceed without the acid burns returning.
Fiona got lots of neat toys for her birthday but that will be a different post. We hope to get pictures and videos posted this weekend. Things have been a little crazy at the Denehy house lately.