Fiona loves to eat food....ALL THE TIME!! She gets vitamins in her juice with a sliver of toast while we change her diaper. For breakfast she eats 1/2 an egg with cheese, a piece of toast, 3/4-1 cup of fruit, a smoothie with 4 oz of yogurt, prunes, and some fruit puree (along with probiotics). At home she gets to snack on raisins, puffs, cheddar bunnies, cherrios. For lunch she eats whatever daycare gives her or a FULL plate of food. She drinks a cup of milk before nap. After nap she eats a Kashi bar and some fruit or some more raisins, bunnies, cheerios, puffs. For dinner she eats another FULL plate of food followed by another full cup of milk before bed.
Yesterday Emily was preparing dinner and Fiona reached over and helped herself to a tomato. She liked it so much that she took a second one. This morning she wanted more while Emily was making her lunch. She is funny when she eats the tomatoes. When the tomato pops, Fiona gets seeds everywhere. Fiona also ate some red bell pepper and lettuce. She liked the red bell pepper but was NOT a fan of the lettuce.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Fiona is not very good at laundry
As you can see by the pile on the outside of the basket, laundry for Fiona is best celebrated by sitting in the basket and throwing things out of the basket. Fiona got mad when Emily tried to remove her from the basket so pictures were taken instead.

Fiona may not be very effective at laundry but she is very good at grocery shopping and unloading. While at the grocery yesterday, Fiona recognized the box of nilla wafers (cookies) and graham crackers. She expressed her recognition by grunting and pointing until the box was opened and a cracker was provided. She munched on the cracker for the rest of the grocery trip and thoroughly enjoyed herself. Upon returning home, Fiona used her laundry skills to help unload the groceries (which was actually helpful this time).
Over the weekend Fiona also went to the library and played with some of the other kids at the library. Mostly Fiona wanted to throw books from the alligator bookshelf but she did chase a little girl for a few minutes (and was very tickled with herself).
Fiona no longer wants to be fed yogurt or oatmeal so we have started making smoothies with her yogurt, some fruit, and prunes. Gotta keep the fiber going.

Fiona may not be very effective at laundry but she is very good at grocery shopping and unloading. While at the grocery yesterday, Fiona recognized the box of nilla wafers (cookies) and graham crackers. She expressed her recognition by grunting and pointing until the box was opened and a cracker was provided. She munched on the cracker for the rest of the grocery trip and thoroughly enjoyed herself. Upon returning home, Fiona used her laundry skills to help unload the groceries (which was actually helpful this time).
Over the weekend Fiona also went to the library and played with some of the other kids at the library. Mostly Fiona wanted to throw books from the alligator bookshelf but she did chase a little girl for a few minutes (and was very tickled with herself).
Fiona no longer wants to be fed yogurt or oatmeal so we have started making smoothies with her yogurt, some fruit, and prunes. Gotta keep the fiber going.
Videos, Videos, Videos, and Pictures
We have been very slow lately to get videos and pictures up but we finally got it. Links are below:
Here are some pictures from Halloween (she has changed so much between the 2 sets):
Here are her videos:
Fiona's New Game
FEYD general cuteness
FEYD climbing the stairs and blowing kisses
FEYD Loves the Animals
FEYD Music and Dancing
FEYD Playing Peek-A-Boo
FEYD Signature Moves:
Fiona up the steps again:
Here are some pictures from Halloween (she has changed so much between the 2 sets):
Here are her videos:
Fiona's New Game
FEYD general cuteness
FEYD climbing the stairs and blowing kisses
FEYD Loves the Animals
FEYD Music and Dancing
FEYD Playing Peek-A-Boo
FEYD Signature Moves:
Fiona up the steps again:
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A Few Updates
We haven't been very good with movies lately but eventually those will go up. In the movies you will see Fiona:
booty dancing
crawling up the stairs
making silly noises with daddy
being cute
Yesterday Kevin got out his Cheerios for breakfast and Fiona indicated that she wanted some. Today, she did the same thing with more enthusiasm as soon as he got the box out of the pantry. I think she likes honey nut cheerios.
Last week Fiona brought home a stomach bug which she gave to mommy and daddy. She followed the stomach bug with an outbreak of hand, foot, mouth (which she also got from daycare) which thankfully did not appear in mommy or daddy. With her sick time Fiona went to the library to play for the first time and loved it. She watched the other kids for awhile and then played with them. She was doing great until she noticed the shelf of videos. That is when mommy decided it was time to leave.
Everyone is feeling better and we are looking forward to some family time over Thanksgiving.
booty dancing
crawling up the stairs
making silly noises with daddy
being cute
Yesterday Kevin got out his Cheerios for breakfast and Fiona indicated that she wanted some. Today, she did the same thing with more enthusiasm as soon as he got the box out of the pantry. I think she likes honey nut cheerios.
Last week Fiona brought home a stomach bug which she gave to mommy and daddy. She followed the stomach bug with an outbreak of hand, foot, mouth (which she also got from daycare) which thankfully did not appear in mommy or daddy. With her sick time Fiona went to the library to play for the first time and loved it. She watched the other kids for awhile and then played with them. She was doing great until she noticed the shelf of videos. That is when mommy decided it was time to leave.
Everyone is feeling better and we are looking forward to some family time over Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Fiona updates
Here is a post of 12 month statistics from the doctor and a picture to go with it:
height: 29 50th percentile
weight: 17# 5.5oz 5th percentile
head: 17 3/4 50th percentile

New foods:
Organic Whole Milk
mild cheddar cheese***
parmesan cheese
Fiona LOVES her milk. She insists on half to a full cup at night and then is expecting it first thing when she wakes up. It feels like we have created a milk monster.
*** Maggie Mae and Fiona are now besties. Maggie Mae circles Fiona's highchair (while whining) impatiently waiting for food to be thrown to the ground.
New "tricks":
shaking head yes (nodding)
saying: tuka, tuka, tuka, tuka, tuka
touching mommy or daddy's lips and then touching own so that we will make
noises with her (not sure how to describe but video will be posted this weekend
to demonstrate)
walking with Daddy's help (towards the Mt Dew bottle---gotta have the correct
smiling if flashlight is shined on face like there is a camera
Fiona sits and stands like a pro now (she even squats). She is really close to standing on her own. She can do it for a few seconds here and there if she doesn't think too hard about it.
We have moved into size 3 diapers overnight and are waiting for the box of size 2's to finish before moving to size 3's all the time. Fiona is pretty much out of 9 month clothes. There are still some onesies that fit but the pants are a little small these days. Fiona is loving daycare. She gets excited when we walk to the front door and is fascinated with the kids when we get into her room. There is a biter in her room and she got bit on her toe during lunch the other day (which apparently did not go over well).
The cholestyramine paste seems to have helped the acid burns. We are hoping to try some foods again and see if we can proceed without the acid burns returning.
Fiona got lots of neat toys for her birthday but that will be a different post. We hope to get pictures and videos posted this weekend. Things have been a little crazy at the Denehy house lately.
height: 29 50th percentile
weight: 17# 5.5oz 5th percentile
head: 17 3/4 50th percentile

New foods:
Organic Whole Milk
mild cheddar cheese***
parmesan cheese
Fiona LOVES her milk. She insists on half to a full cup at night and then is expecting it first thing when she wakes up. It feels like we have created a milk monster.
*** Maggie Mae and Fiona are now besties. Maggie Mae circles Fiona's highchair (while whining) impatiently waiting for food to be thrown to the ground.
New "tricks":
shaking head yes (nodding)
saying: tuka, tuka, tuka, tuka, tuka
touching mommy or daddy's lips and then touching own so that we will make
noises with her (not sure how to describe but video will be posted this weekend
to demonstrate)
walking with Daddy's help (towards the Mt Dew bottle---gotta have the correct
smiling if flashlight is shined on face like there is a camera
Fiona sits and stands like a pro now (she even squats). She is really close to standing on her own. She can do it for a few seconds here and there if she doesn't think too hard about it.
We have moved into size 3 diapers overnight and are waiting for the box of size 2's to finish before moving to size 3's all the time. Fiona is pretty much out of 9 month clothes. There are still some onesies that fit but the pants are a little small these days. Fiona is loving daycare. She gets excited when we walk to the front door and is fascinated with the kids when we get into her room. There is a biter in her room and she got bit on her toe during lunch the other day (which apparently did not go over well).
The cholestyramine paste seems to have helped the acid burns. We are hoping to try some foods again and see if we can proceed without the acid burns returning.
Fiona got lots of neat toys for her birthday but that will be a different post. We hope to get pictures and videos posted this weekend. Things have been a little crazy at the Denehy house lately.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
One Year Old
I cannot believe it......Fiona is ONE YEAR OLD today. It has gone so fast. Here is Fiona's an update to her list of accomplishments:
crawling like a maniac
insisting on finger foods while she is being fed
a pro at drinking from the straw cup (although she still flicks it when we aren't watching)
talking up a storm
pulling up
chasing cats and dogs
making music with metal bowls
making music with her music toys
getting good air on her toys
still eating everything she is not supposed to
trying to crawl down the stairs
crawling under tables
bringing blankie out of crib
pooing acid that burns her butt
not napping at daycare
possible latex allergy or sensitivity
We have slowed down on the food additions but have added whole wheat pasta, green bean chunks (which she loves but give her gas), avocado chunks, puffs (LOVES LOVES LOVES these), squash. I have wanted to add more things but she has a raw butt so I don't want to try until that clears up.
Fiona goes for her one year appointment tomorrow. I am fully confident we will be placed on the failure to thrive list due to her weight but I am not that worried. I think she has started to gain more weight in the past week or 2 and I know her appetite just shot up last week so she is taking in more calories now. I also know the addition of milk and its fats as well as cheese and yogurt will help with the weight. She is just soooo active that she has no desire to eat sometimes, especially if we are in an unfamiliar place (she just gets too distracted).
She is meeting all the developmental milestones that I would expect, is healthy, happy, and has regular diaper activity. I know the weight will come in time but I think she will just be a slender baby (and CUTE).
crawling like a maniac
insisting on finger foods while she is being fed
a pro at drinking from the straw cup (although she still flicks it when we aren't watching)
talking up a storm
pulling up
chasing cats and dogs
making music with metal bowls
making music with her music toys
getting good air on her toys
still eating everything she is not supposed to
trying to crawl down the stairs
crawling under tables
bringing blankie out of crib
pooing acid that burns her butt
not napping at daycare
possible latex allergy or sensitivity
We have slowed down on the food additions but have added whole wheat pasta, green bean chunks (which she loves but give her gas), avocado chunks, puffs (LOVES LOVES LOVES these), squash. I have wanted to add more things but she has a raw butt so I don't want to try until that clears up.
Fiona goes for her one year appointment tomorrow. I am fully confident we will be placed on the failure to thrive list due to her weight but I am not that worried. I think she has started to gain more weight in the past week or 2 and I know her appetite just shot up last week so she is taking in more calories now. I also know the addition of milk and its fats as well as cheese and yogurt will help with the weight. She is just soooo active that she has no desire to eat sometimes, especially if we are in an unfamiliar place (she just gets too distracted).
She is meeting all the developmental milestones that I would expect, is healthy, happy, and has regular diaper activity. I know the weight will come in time but I think she will just be a slender baby (and CUTE).
Friday, August 26, 2011
So Smart
Fiona has figured out how to use the snack trap cup to eat her puffs. :) Maggie Mae has also figured out how to eat puffs out of the snack trap cup :(.
On a different note, we think Fiona has developed a latex allergy. Her diaper area looks like a really bad sunburn and is very sensitive. Poor baby. Emily is now wondering if this allergy is contributing to her nasal congestion. I guess she will get tested after he next doctor's appointment (where we will be lectured about how much she doesn't weigh).
On a different note, we think Fiona has developed a latex allergy. Her diaper area looks like a really bad sunburn and is very sensitive. Poor baby. Emily is now wondering if this allergy is contributing to her nasal congestion. I guess she will get tested after he next doctor's appointment (where we will be lectured about how much she doesn't weigh).
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Moving and Eating!
Fiona has really been on the move this week. She started to pull up on her own (her crib is now at the lowest level). She also fed herself this week!!!!! Now if we can just get her to weigh more that would be great.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
11 months old already!!
Fiona turned 11 months on Sunday. I cannot believe she is less than a month from being a year old. It was a busy month for Fiona.
We went to NY for a wedding and to visit a friend. Fiona got to play with Mae and loved it. New toys and a new friend. What more could a girl ask for? Fiona was amazing on the plane and she adjusted well to sleeping in another place. We had our first non-family babysitter and Fiona was very nice to her. Of course, she charmed everyone she met. The flight attendant even offered to take Fiona off our hands.
We have added avocado, squash, zucchini, and watermelon to Fiona's food rotations. She loves them. These foods are nice because they make it easier to get some texture into Fiona's food.
Fiona has started cutting her top 2 front teeth and they are causing her more discomfort than the bottom 2 did. She also has a cold which we are hoping clears on its own and does not become an infection. SHe is an army crawling machine now and has no problems going from belly to back to sitting to belly to sitting.....such a big girl! Fiona has started pulling herself onto her knees and is interested in pulling to standing. We no longer have an exersaucer as Fiona no longer uses it. When we would put her in it she would bounce like crazy and make so much noise that it started to become counterproductive.
Fiona has started daycare and she loves it. The ladies at daycare love her. Fiona is only taking 2 45 minute naps a day right now and we have adjusted bedtime up significantly. I am very hopeful that she will adjust her naps and sleep longer as she gets more comfortable. I know she will never sleep as well as she does at home but I just want her to sleep longer. She is soooo sleepy and has baby under eye bags :(.
Emily has started thinking about Fiona's first birthday party and Kevin starts pharmacy school on Monday.
We went to NY for a wedding and to visit a friend. Fiona got to play with Mae and loved it. New toys and a new friend. What more could a girl ask for? Fiona was amazing on the plane and she adjusted well to sleeping in another place. We had our first non-family babysitter and Fiona was very nice to her. Of course, she charmed everyone she met. The flight attendant even offered to take Fiona off our hands.
We have added avocado, squash, zucchini, and watermelon to Fiona's food rotations. She loves them. These foods are nice because they make it easier to get some texture into Fiona's food.
Fiona has started cutting her top 2 front teeth and they are causing her more discomfort than the bottom 2 did. She also has a cold which we are hoping clears on its own and does not become an infection. SHe is an army crawling machine now and has no problems going from belly to back to sitting to belly to sitting.....such a big girl! Fiona has started pulling herself onto her knees and is interested in pulling to standing. We no longer have an exersaucer as Fiona no longer uses it. When we would put her in it she would bounce like crazy and make so much noise that it started to become counterproductive.
Fiona has started daycare and she loves it. The ladies at daycare love her. Fiona is only taking 2 45 minute naps a day right now and we have adjusted bedtime up significantly. I am very hopeful that she will adjust her naps and sleep longer as she gets more comfortable. I know she will never sleep as well as she does at home but I just want her to sleep longer. She is soooo sleepy and has baby under eye bags :(.
Emily has started thinking about Fiona's first birthday party and Kevin starts pharmacy school on Monday.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Our little Mover
Fiona is cruising the mean streets of her house these days. She is getting mixed in canine and feline mischief all the time. When she is not busy chasing the animals around she is under the tables finding "hidden" toys. She is also experimenting with sitting up. We found her sitting up in her crib after every nap today!!!
She is still a petite darling but is really loving her mobility. Her new foods are egg yolk and whole wheat pasta.
Yesterday we went to Ameera's birthday party. Fiona was quiet at first just watching the other kids play. But...once she warmed up she had a blast.
We are excited and sad to see her start daycare in a few weeks. We got the call this week that she will start at Out House at the Pinnacle. Very exciting. I think her (and our) biggest hurdle will be sleeping with other things going on in the room but I am hoping she will adjust quickly.
We leave for New York on Tuesday. I am nervous about flying with Fiona and nervous about having her out of her element for a while week....eek. So long schedule.
She is still a petite darling but is really loving her mobility. Her new foods are egg yolk and whole wheat pasta.
Yesterday we went to Ameera's birthday party. Fiona was quiet at first just watching the other kids play. But...once she warmed up she had a blast.
We are excited and sad to see her start daycare in a few weeks. We got the call this week that she will start at Out House at the Pinnacle. Very exciting. I think her (and our) biggest hurdle will be sleeping with other things going on in the room but I am hoping she will adjust quickly.
We leave for New York on Tuesday. I am nervous about flying with Fiona and nervous about having her out of her element for a while week....eek. So long schedule.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
10 Months Old
Fiona turned 10 months old last week. The time is going so fast. We have been so lucky that Kevin's schedule worked out to stay home with Fiona this summer. I know he has enjoyed the time.
Fiona is really close to full on crawling. This weekend she discovered she can army crawl her way across the floor so watch out. One minute she is on the playmat playing. Then she will see a toy under the kitchen table and "snap" she is under the table with they toy. She is very proud of herself when this happens. Fiona also started pushing up on her hands and knees. She still can't go from a reclined position to a sitting up position or pull up but those will happen in time.
Fiona loves music and animals. She dances, clucks her tongue, and trills her tongue. Raspberries are still at the top of her noise list though. The Arroyo doll we got at the Reds game is such a hit. I think Fiona always knows where he is and she is not afraid to put him in his place.
Fiona is still a lightweight. We think she weighs between 16 and 17 lbs. She has added the following foods to her food list:
lima beans
green beans
egg yolk
olive oil
brown rice
basmati rice
split peas
Fiona is really close to full on crawling. This weekend she discovered she can army crawl her way across the floor so watch out. One minute she is on the playmat playing. Then she will see a toy under the kitchen table and "snap" she is under the table with they toy. She is very proud of herself when this happens. Fiona also started pushing up on her hands and knees. She still can't go from a reclined position to a sitting up position or pull up but those will happen in time.
Fiona loves music and animals. She dances, clucks her tongue, and trills her tongue. Raspberries are still at the top of her noise list though. The Arroyo doll we got at the Reds game is such a hit. I think Fiona always knows where he is and she is not afraid to put him in his place.
Fiona is still a lightweight. We think she weighs between 16 and 17 lbs. She has added the following foods to her food list:
lima beans
green beans
egg yolk
olive oil
brown rice
basmati rice
split peas
Monday, July 11, 2011
Post for a giveaway
I have been reading a blog called In This Wonderful Life for a few months now. I love it. Megan is so open and honest about her feelings. She often does giveaways on Mondays and I decided to enter this time. It is for a company called Monogram Chick which has really cute stuff from cutting boards to baby bloomers to boxers to hospital gowns!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
9 months old
Fiona hits the big 0-9 today (months that is). The time has gone so quickly. Daddy daycare is in full swing for the summer and both are enjoying their time together. Fiona is rolling over like crazy now...back and forth and back and forth. She loves to sit up and play on the floor and her favorite sleeping position is on her side. We are trying to encourage her to crawl and she seems to be headed in that direction. She is also starting to stand but doesn't pull herself up to standing or push into a sitting position just yet.
We went to the doctor last week for her checkup and she passed. The only thing that the doctor was still concerned about was her weight. Fiona had great weight gain from 6 to 9 months but her weight gain from 3 to 6 months was low (according to the growth charts) so she is still just a petite little girl. We aren't particularly worried but we have increased her feedings again and she keeps on eating. Apparently, Fiona has been hungrier than she led us to believe. Stats from 8 months 3 weeks:
Height:27 3/4" (50-75)
Weight:15 # 1.5 oz (<5)
Head:17" (25-50)
Fiona's Food List:
Gerber Oatmeal
sweet potato
regular potato
Things still to add this month:
olive oil
brown rice
basmati rice
lima beans
split peas
string beans
We went to the doctor last week for her checkup and she passed. The only thing that the doctor was still concerned about was her weight. Fiona had great weight gain from 6 to 9 months but her weight gain from 3 to 6 months was low (according to the growth charts) so she is still just a petite little girl. We aren't particularly worried but we have increased her feedings again and she keeps on eating. Apparently, Fiona has been hungrier than she led us to believe. Stats from 8 months 3 weeks:
Height:27 3/4" (50-75)
Weight:15 # 1.5 oz (<5)
Head:17" (25-50)
Fiona's Food List:
Gerber Oatmeal
sweet potato
regular potato
Things still to add this month:
olive oil
brown rice
basmati rice
lima beans
split peas
string beans
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Sick Baby!
Fiona had her first real illness this week. She has had a runny nose for a few weeks and it escalated over the weekend. Emily took her to the doctor and she had a double ear infection and double pink eye (although not that advanced yet). Fiona got augmentin to combat the pink eye, ear infection, and congestion. We are not sure where Fiona picked up the germs but daycare is the likely culprit.
On a happier note, Fiona weighed 13 # 10 oz which is over a 1lb increase in a month. Fiona loves her antibiotic so there is no problem getting her to take the medicine (the enticing flavor probably doesn't hurt) and she has had no side effects yet!
Fiona can sit unassisted but we have to stay close. She is soooooo close to rolling onto her stomach it is crazy. Not much longer now.
On a happier note, Fiona weighed 13 # 10 oz which is over a 1lb increase in a month. Fiona loves her antibiotic so there is no problem getting her to take the medicine (the enticing flavor probably doesn't hurt) and she has had no side effects yet!
Fiona can sit unassisted but we have to stay close. She is soooooo close to rolling onto her stomach it is crazy. Not much longer now.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Fiona update- 6 mo doctor visit, Nashville, and more
Fiona is 7 months old now so this is a little late.
Her 6 mo doctor's appointment went great. Her stats:
height:25 3/4 which is 50th percentile
head: 16 1/4 which is 25th percentile
weight: 12 lbs 8.5 oz which is less than 5th percentile!
The doctor was not concerned about the weight yet but would have been happier if Fiona had a little more weight to her. We were eagerly given the green light for solid foods.
So far Fiona is eating the following foods:
Baby Oatmeal (although we are taking a small break to assess if there is a food sensitivity here)
sweet potatoes
Still to come:
cauliflower (ick)
Emliy has made carrots, prunes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. Making baby food is definitely a learning experience as to portions. She made 3 medium-large sweet potatoes the other day which translated into 54 servings of sweet potato puree! Next time we will be using the food processor instead of the Magic Bullet.
Naptime is going MUCH better these days. Fiona even naps at daycare! Her typical schedule is:
6:45 milk
9:45 milk
11/11:30 solids
12 nap
2 milk
5 milk
7:30 milk and bedtime
Sometimes there is a nap between 5 and 7.
Fiona only has a few weeks left of daycare until Kevin keeps her for the summer. She has been moved up a room at daycare so there are more kids in her room (and more germs :().
Fiona recently went to Nashville to see Rebecca, Emily' cousin and Fiona's godmother, sing in her senior recital. Rebecca was amazing but Fiona was the real hit of the weekend. She passed out at the end of the party but was happy and responsive until the end. It was very similar to the baptism where Fiona refused to close her eyes until she just had absolutely NOTHING left. So cute.
Next weekend we are off the Pikeville for Easter and then looking forward to spending some extended time at home. Fiona changes and grows so much every single day. It seems like she has a new talent almost every day.
ps- Kevin sits Fiona in the boppy while they watch sports. She does ok at first but then starts to tilt. Once she tilts it is hard to get her to stay upright again. Fiona still hates tummy time but will roll from her front to her back on purpose. We still can't quite get her to roll over from her back to her tummmy...those darn arms keep getting in the way.
Her 6 mo doctor's appointment went great. Her stats:
height:25 3/4 which is 50th percentile
head: 16 1/4 which is 25th percentile
weight: 12 lbs 8.5 oz which is less than 5th percentile!
The doctor was not concerned about the weight yet but would have been happier if Fiona had a little more weight to her. We were eagerly given the green light for solid foods.
So far Fiona is eating the following foods:
Baby Oatmeal (although we are taking a small break to assess if there is a food sensitivity here)
sweet potatoes
Still to come:
cauliflower (ick)
Emliy has made carrots, prunes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli. Making baby food is definitely a learning experience as to portions. She made 3 medium-large sweet potatoes the other day which translated into 54 servings of sweet potato puree! Next time we will be using the food processor instead of the Magic Bullet.
Naptime is going MUCH better these days. Fiona even naps at daycare! Her typical schedule is:
6:45 milk
9:45 milk
11/11:30 solids
12 nap
2 milk
5 milk
7:30 milk and bedtime
Sometimes there is a nap between 5 and 7.
Fiona only has a few weeks left of daycare until Kevin keeps her for the summer. She has been moved up a room at daycare so there are more kids in her room (and more germs :().
Fiona recently went to Nashville to see Rebecca, Emily' cousin and Fiona's godmother, sing in her senior recital. Rebecca was amazing but Fiona was the real hit of the weekend. She passed out at the end of the party but was happy and responsive until the end. It was very similar to the baptism where Fiona refused to close her eyes until she just had absolutely NOTHING left. So cute.
Next weekend we are off the Pikeville for Easter and then looking forward to spending some extended time at home. Fiona changes and grows so much every single day. It seems like she has a new talent almost every day.
ps- Kevin sits Fiona in the boppy while they watch sports. She does ok at first but then starts to tilt. Once she tilts it is hard to get her to stay upright again. Fiona still hates tummy time but will roll from her front to her back on purpose. We still can't quite get her to roll over from her back to her tummmy...those darn arms keep getting in the way.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Fiona and Emily were playing upstairs last night and Fiona rolled from her belly to her back unassisted. She only did it once but she was successful.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Long Overdue Update
This update is long overdue so I will try to include everything I can think that has happened.
The last post was right before Fiona's 4 month appointment. She got another round of the shots she got at her 2 month appointment and had no side effects (thank goodness).
4 mo stats:
height: 24 1/4 " - 50th percentile
weight: 11 lbs 13 oz - 10th percentile
head: 16" - 25-50th percentile
On January 15th, Fiona was baptized at Christ the King. She was quiet and curious and very well-mannered. She stared at Father Mark during the service and there was no crying during the baptism. Go Fiona!!!! Afterward, everyone came to the house for brunch. Kevin had cleaned out the living room and put out folding chairs so we would have enough room. I think it turned out great and everyone fit with no problem. Jessi helped me decorate Fiona's cross cake. I think I will need to experiment more with cake decorating but for now I will stick with cookies and cupcakes.
For pictures go here:
Since then we have just been settling into our routine. Fiona goes to daycare Tuesdays and Thursdays and loves all the stimulation. She still has trouble napping at daycare because there is so much going on and so many noises, but she no longer comes home exhausted so she must be catnapping. On Wednesdays and Fridays she stays home with Kevin and they have special time together. On Mondays she comes to UK to see me for a few hours with Kevin has class. I love getting to see her during the day and we get a chance to visit people at UK that want to see her too.
Fiona loves the exersaucer and even knows how to bounce in it (when she is centered and in a good mood). She is still not rolling over but I know she is getting close. She just needs to figure out how to get her bottom arm out of the way. There are several pictures in Fiona's room that we say goodnight and goodmorning to every day. She is starting to recognize the pictures and anticipates the next one. She gets excited sometimes and starts kicking her legs.
For video of the exersaucer go here:
Fiona had a cold over the weekend and had a temperature of 100.3 but she is all better now. The doctor wanted us to come in just to make sure she was ok and she weighed 12 lbs 12 oz (fully clothed). I can feel that she weighs more now but it is nice to see how much she weighs. We will get her official weight and next set of stats in 2 weeks when she goes for her 6 month appointment. I cannot believe it has been almost 6 months since she was born. We also have her 6 month photo shoot that week. I will try to post to the blog with an update after all that happens.
For now, we are just enjoying our beautiful little girl and marveling in all the wonderful and amazing things she does every day.
The last post was right before Fiona's 4 month appointment. She got another round of the shots she got at her 2 month appointment and had no side effects (thank goodness).
4 mo stats:
height: 24 1/4 " - 50th percentile
weight: 11 lbs 13 oz - 10th percentile
head: 16" - 25-50th percentile
On January 15th, Fiona was baptized at Christ the King. She was quiet and curious and very well-mannered. She stared at Father Mark during the service and there was no crying during the baptism. Go Fiona!!!! Afterward, everyone came to the house for brunch. Kevin had cleaned out the living room and put out folding chairs so we would have enough room. I think it turned out great and everyone fit with no problem. Jessi helped me decorate Fiona's cross cake. I think I will need to experiment more with cake decorating but for now I will stick with cookies and cupcakes.
For pictures go here:
Since then we have just been settling into our routine. Fiona goes to daycare Tuesdays and Thursdays and loves all the stimulation. She still has trouble napping at daycare because there is so much going on and so many noises, but she no longer comes home exhausted so she must be catnapping. On Wednesdays and Fridays she stays home with Kevin and they have special time together. On Mondays she comes to UK to see me for a few hours with Kevin has class. I love getting to see her during the day and we get a chance to visit people at UK that want to see her too.
Fiona loves the exersaucer and even knows how to bounce in it (when she is centered and in a good mood). She is still not rolling over but I know she is getting close. She just needs to figure out how to get her bottom arm out of the way. There are several pictures in Fiona's room that we say goodnight and goodmorning to every day. She is starting to recognize the pictures and anticipates the next one. She gets excited sometimes and starts kicking her legs.
For video of the exersaucer go here:
Fiona had a cold over the weekend and had a temperature of 100.3 but she is all better now. The doctor wanted us to come in just to make sure she was ok and she weighed 12 lbs 12 oz (fully clothed). I can feel that she weighs more now but it is nice to see how much she weighs. We will get her official weight and next set of stats in 2 weeks when she goes for her 6 month appointment. I cannot believe it has been almost 6 months since she was born. We also have her 6 month photo shoot that week. I will try to post to the blog with an update after all that happens.
For now, we are just enjoying our beautiful little girl and marveling in all the wonderful and amazing things she does every day.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Starting the New Year right
Over Christmas Fiona had her 3 month photo session with Carlisle Photography. The proofs came back and there are some cute pics. Not as many as last time but several with ordering potential. Everyone survived the 3 Christmases. Fiona liked all the lights at Christmas Mass but was not a fan of the music because we were sitting closer to the speaker than normal. All of our travel plans over the break got canceled so we got a full 2 weeks of baby time which Emily was especially excited to have.
Emily has gone back to work full time :(. But, that means Fiona and Kevin get to spend Monday, Wednesday, and Friday together. Fiona will be attending Lexington Baptist Temple for daycare on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Tuesday was Fiona's first day at daycare. All went well (we guess) but when Emily went to pick Fiona up she could hear the baby cries at the entrance. Apparently, Fiona had just woken up and was pissed. The daycare lady was with another child when she woke so Fiona was just being picked up when Emily walked into the room. Turns out Fiona had a burp (this is very much a Fiona reaction to a burp) and was comforted as soon as the daycare lady picked her up from the crib. Emily was happy to see that she was comforted by the daycare staff. She was VERY sleepy when she got home and slept soundly all night.
Fiona has started eating 6 ounces a feeding from the bottle every 3-4 hours. She is also sleeping from about 8-9 pm to 6-7 am....but not really napping during the day. Hopefully this will even out once she gets a routine going but Emily is not complaining about the nighttime sleeping. The past few days, baby has started talking to herself in her crib. We are not sure if she is talking to her hand or her turtles but either way it is pretty darn CUTE!!!
We go to the doctor next Friday (Jan 14) for her 4 month checkup and then the baptism is on Saturday (Jan 15). Check back for an update sometime next weekend.
Emily has gone back to work full time :(. But, that means Fiona and Kevin get to spend Monday, Wednesday, and Friday together. Fiona will be attending Lexington Baptist Temple for daycare on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Tuesday was Fiona's first day at daycare. All went well (we guess) but when Emily went to pick Fiona up she could hear the baby cries at the entrance. Apparently, Fiona had just woken up and was pissed. The daycare lady was with another child when she woke so Fiona was just being picked up when Emily walked into the room. Turns out Fiona had a burp (this is very much a Fiona reaction to a burp) and was comforted as soon as the daycare lady picked her up from the crib. Emily was happy to see that she was comforted by the daycare staff. She was VERY sleepy when she got home and slept soundly all night.
Fiona has started eating 6 ounces a feeding from the bottle every 3-4 hours. She is also sleeping from about 8-9 pm to 6-7 am....but not really napping during the day. Hopefully this will even out once she gets a routine going but Emily is not complaining about the nighttime sleeping. The past few days, baby has started talking to herself in her crib. We are not sure if she is talking to her hand or her turtles but either way it is pretty darn CUTE!!!
We go to the doctor next Friday (Jan 14) for her 4 month checkup and then the baptism is on Saturday (Jan 15). Check back for an update sometime next weekend.
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